
Guest Entries provides a configuration file that allows you to define the collections you wish for entries to be created/updated within. You will have published this configuration file during the installation process - it'll be located at config/guest-entries.php.

return [
| Collections
| Configure which collections you'd like to be created/updated with
| the 'Guest Entries' addon.
'collections' => [
'pages' => true,
| Honeypot
| If you'd like to enable the honeypot, specify the name of the input
| you'd like to use.
'honeypot' => false,
| Form Parameter Validation
| Guest Entries will encrypt & validate form parameters to prevent them
| from being tampered with. You may disable this if you wish.
'disable_form_parameter_validation' => false,
return [
| Collections
| Configure which collections you'd like to be created/updated with
| the 'Guest Entries' addon.
'collections' => [
'pages' => true,
| Honeypot
| If you'd like to enable the honeypot, specify the name of the input
| you'd like to use.
'honeypot' => false,
| Form Parameter Validation
| Guest Entries will encrypt & validate form parameters to prevent them
| from being tampered with. You may disable this if you wish.
'disable_form_parameter_validation' => false,


To enable a collection, create an entry in the array, where the key is the handle of the collection and where the value is true/false, depending on if you wish to enable/disable it.


You may also configure this addon's Honeypot feature. false will mean the feature is disabled. To enable, you may change this to a field name that will never be entered by a human (as it'll be hidden) but may be auto-filled by a robot.

Form Parameter Validation

Guest Entries will automatically encrypt the values of hidden form parameters, like _redirect and _collection when using the {{ guest-entry }} tag. The values are later decrypted by a middleware when the form is submitted.

This measure aims to prevent users from tampering with the form parameters. However, if you wish to disable this functionality, set disable_form_parameter_validation to true.